Client Testimonials

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"Rita has been a positive influence in my life in all areas. I started working with her when I was struggling with undereating, failing to manage my Endo flares despite my efforts, and constantly overdoing it in the gym. Rita has been amazing at helping me understand how eating ENOUGH and THE RIGHT THINGS will help me FEEL better. Rita has provided me so much value and insight into what a healthy relationship with exercise looks like & has taught me how to listen to my body to best support my disease. Because of Rita’s guidance, I have begun working to get to the root of what my body needs to improve my gut & hormone health & so that I can FEEL MY BEST. I cannot express my appreciation for that push as I feel the BEST I ever have and I’ve just started to implement changes. I have the confidence that I’ll be able to continue to work on my health and will find a life with minimal daily pain and more importantly, happiness and gratitude for my body. If you’re on the fence of working with Rita, stop waiting. She will help you find the healthiest version of YOU and as she’ll remind you often, THAT is something you deserve."


"When I started working with Rita I was struggling with an insane amount of anxiety, chronic tummy issues (digestion, bloating, cramping, IBS symptoms - everything you could think of 🙃) along with painful/debilitating periods at times, I couldn’t even remember the last time I was able to eat vegetables without it sending me into a spiral of extreme stomach aches and constantly going to the bathroom. Throughout my time working with Rita I gained so much insight as to WHY I was feeling the way that I was feeling and truly getting to the ROOT causes, rather than slapping a pill on an issue and having you go on your way. I had recent bloodwork done from both my primary care doctor and my gynecologist a month before working with Rita and THEY BOTH told me my bloodwork looked fine. My first meeting with Rita when we discussed my labs, it was clear that I was NOT fine. The amount of information Rita has given me about my body and actually taking the time to explain things to me was something I’ve never experienced before and I will always be so grateful for that. I’ve never met someone with so much compassion for not only her career but for her clients as well. In my 6ish months of working with Rita she not only got me to a point of feeling and looking the best I have in my body than I have in my entire life, but she gave me the tough love that I desperately needed and really pushed me to see the bigger picture and advocate for myself. Honestly, nobody is coming to save us, we have to save ourselves! Rita has taught me so much about this space and I cannot wait to dive into myself! I’m so grateful and fortunate that our paths crossed and I would recommend Radiate with Rita to any girly struggling! thank you so much, Rita!"


"Before I started working with Rita, I completely wrote off being able to have children because of how sick I was constantly feeling. I had to limit my activity substantially to the point that I was missing out on many things I enjoy about life. When I would go to various doctors and talk about my symptoms, they brushed it off as me just being a woman, me being too anxious, or me making it up. Sadly, I know I’m not alone in having this happen. Working with Rita has seriously been life-giving! She is so determined to find the root cause and she is very empathetic. I remember the first time she told me “what is happening with your body is not normal and it’s definitely not in your head” I cried because someone was FINALLY listening! I am now able to do all the things that I thought I had to give up, including planning for children! If you feel stuck with symptoms that feel debilitating, please connect with Rita. It truly can improve your life!"

Emily S

“Rita has helped me with my periods to the point I’m positive my PMDD would be considered cured. My PMS symptoms during luteal phase that would usually last 1-2 weeks & so exhausted and fatigued I couldn’t move. So depressed I couldn’t move. So crampy I needed a heating pad. So heavy I used ultra pads and tampons. Now? 1-2 DAYS of PMS. little to no cramps. So light I can use regular pads with no leaking. No depression. I am able to hit every workout during my luteal phase. And I know it’s because I worked on improving my gut health, managing my stress, & decreasing my toxic load and endocrine disruptors.”

Emily V

"I’ve worked with Rita for nearly two years now and am grateful every day to have found her! I came to her at a time in my life when I was having really debilitating food sensitivities and gut dysfunction. It had impacted every aspect of my life and was something that had stumped every doctor I went to. Not only was Rita able to identify the source of my gut issues, but she was able to guide me through the process of correcting those issues. She has completely changed my quality of life for the better in a way I never imagined it could be. Not only on a physical level but mentally and emotionally as well. Her base of knowledge is just so incredible, but even more so is her capacity to connect with her clients on such a profound level. She’s just literally out there changing people’s lives with the work she’s doing!"



"I finally feel in control of my body. Coach Rita and I have been working hard on helping me heal from the inside out instead of just masking the symptoms I was having. Prior to working with Rita, I was overtraining and on a restrictive diet for too long which led to constant binge eating. After reverse dieting and being in a maintenance phase while practicing intuitive eating, I have developed a much healthier relationship with food! I couldn’t have gotten through transitioning off birth control without Rita’s guidance. Rita empowers her clients to get educated and I wasn’t aware of the effects it was having on my body. Learning to manage my stress has been a big factor in my healing journey! Rita and I have worked on meal timing, increased rest, micronutrient intake, and monitoring my sleep quality and routine. This journey with Rita has not only caused me to change physically, but it has also shifted my whole mindset and for that I am forever grateful!"


"Working with Rita as my coach changed my life in ways that go far beyond the physical. I struggled initially to mentally and emotionally commit to doing a reverse diet and having to eat at maintenance. Rita’s support allowed me to accept but to embrace a new reality in which it was okay for me to fuel my body. I was faced with unexpected challenges throughout the course of my training/coaching and Rita was by my side, always supporting what was in my best interest of my health and wellness. The biggest surprise came to me a few months after I ended my coaching journey. I came to discover that my time with Rita permanently change the way that I think, and feel about my body, and I have reached a level of acceptance that I had never even dreamed was possible."


"After trying to find my way on my fitness journey and being diagnosed with endometriosis, I decided it was time to get some support. That led me to Rita. I worked with Rita for a year and it was the best decision I could have made for my health and wellness. She taught me how to navigate my new diagnosis with care and attention that I have never received from physicians. She helped me decrease stress and create the best relationship with my body and with food that I have ever had. With just a year of working with Rita, I have developed a lifetime of knowledge and skills to carry with me. Before my year with Rita, I had debilitating endo pain, raging acne, and poor sleep. While I still have to put in the work to manage these stress responses, they are exponentially better. Rita doesn’t do quick fixes. She looks at you as a whole person and wants to focus on healing the root of each symptom. And it’s so worth it."


"I’ve struggled to manage my PCOS with hormonal birth control for over 11 years and recently began learning about the negative long-term impacts. I decided to sign-up for coaching with Rita to figure out how to manage it holistically, but I had no idea how life-changing and impactful this experience would be!! Rita taught me tons about the biology of my hormones and reproductive systems (helllooo why don’t we learn these things in school?!?!), nutrition, supplements, mental health and so much more. She worked with me each week to identify food triggers, customize nutrition plans & implement a lot of healthy changes. When I look back on my last few months of coaching, I am AMAZED at the amount of lifestyle changes I’ve made but also how it never felt overwhelming or too much. Rita provided amazing encouragement and support throughout my entire journey & followed the pace I needed throughout all of my health changes. I feel healthier, stronger & more energized than ever before in my life!! I now feel I have the tools and knowledge to holistically manage my cycle, abnormal hair growth, insulin resistance & all my pesky PCOS symptoms. If you are ready to put your health first and make some lifestyle changes, I cannot recommend this program highly enough. Run don’t walk to Rita’s health coaching programs! Your gut, mind, body & soul will forever thank you!"


"Rita empowers me to be the boss a$$ b*tch I’m meant to be!!! Working with her has been life changing as she has helped me improve my mood, endo symptoms, my digestion, energy, and how I feel on a day-to-day basis. She is helping me learn sustainable ways to take care of my body and I’m seeing the results. Each day is a challenge, but Rita is someone who has been through the same experience and can empathize with her clients and motivate them appropriately without burning them out".


"When I first started working with Rita, I didn't know what to expect. I Didn't even really know what online coaching entailed. I just knew I wasn't happy with how I looked or felt & was using food (and mostly alcohol) to cope. I knew I needed to make changes but couldn't seem to get there on my own. Throughout our journey together, Rita has always been my number 1 supporter. She's got an incredible ability to uplift, support, and encourage. She's always inspired me to want to show up for myself. Rita has helped me grow & learn in so many ways. I'm so thankful that I made the decision that day to take control of my life and health & that I was fortunate enough to have you by my side the entire way. I don't just see her as a coach or mentor, but also as a friend. She has a beautiful heart, a contagious laugh, and such a vibrant personality. she has had so much of an impact on me and my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for everything."


"Working with Rita was one of the best investments I have ever made. She is so kind, knowledgeable, and will hype you up while also never hesitating to call you on your crap (because that’s what you’re paying her for!!). She puts her heart and soul into the work she does and is always seeking to further her education to be the best practitioner she can be. She is also not afraid to refer out if that’s what the situation necessitates BUT she won’t just leave you high and dry, she’ll make sure you’re left in good hands and take it as an opportunity to learn for the next client. Working with Rita was truly life changing, both for my health and personal life, and if I had endless funds I would gift everyone a package to work with her."



"EVERYONE needs to do this. A roadmap into the inner workings of my gut, digestion and nutrition needs. I'm only upset I didn't do this much sooner. For as long as I can remember, I was guessing what my body needed, skipping meals, eating like a toddler and still gaining weight. Deep down I knew something was up, I was tired all the time, achy joints, moody and my period only lasted 2 days. Doctors would time & time again tell me my labs were "normal" and there were no problems. A PCOS diagnosis was thrown at me with advice to go gluten & dairy free with no real advice or help. Rita walked with me every step of the way to healing my body, my relationship with food and ultimately my life in the grand scheme of things."

Client Video Testimonials