The #1 reason why you're feeling stuck on your health journey...

Oct 15, 2024

You ready for the answer? You might not like it...

You.. babe... it's YOU. 

Navigating a healing journey is CHALLENGING. It's quite literally one of the hardest things I've ever had to do..and it's not because you have to take supplements or some nutrition changes..

but rather because BEHAVIOR CHANGE is NOT easy.

When you've been thinking and doing things a certain way for YEARS, it's HARD to change. Though it is doable.

But this is where a lot of people get stuck though on their healing journeys. They sign up for a program, ready to start their journey, + ready to finally get to the end (like literally "can we skip to the good part?") but it doesn't work that way.. they MISS the whole point of the healing journey in the first place.

The reason why it feels like you aren't getting better.. or your symptoms just keep coming back after you finish your protocols is because you've continued doing the same things that led to your symptoms in the first place.

You see, our thoughts + habits LAY DOWN a solid foundation for all the work that's done with testing + protocols/treatment regimens.

I make that very clear with my clients from the get-go. Because there are times when I have to have not so fun convos with my clients about certain habits they're not ready to let go of or are not willing to make modifications too.. and in these instances, I throw a HUGE disclaimer.

For example, if we continue training in an INTENSE manner that places GREAT demand on the nervous system, you're struggling with recovery, you have a chronic illness with a bunch of health symptoms, there's a good chance your training is a stressor that is contributing to your symptoms..

It doesn't mean you can't modify the way you are currently training or the exercise is bad, it just means it likely isn't serving you in THIS season.. which I know can be tough to accept (our ego never likes this kinda stuff), but our body is the one calling the shots, not our brains. It is always keeping the score.


Orrrr maybe we just have a death grip on our Type A/ perfectionist thinking.. This is something I know I have struggled with.. The constant placing of pressure on myself to be perfect.. to stick to a mile-long to-do list every day and this is holding you back. The never-ending deadlines, the always keeping yourself busy.. 

Can be the reason why your SIBO just keeps coming back time after time.. or why you just can't rid of the bloat.. or better manage your endometriosis symptoms.

And that's why a FULL BODY approach is SO important when managing your health. So many providers, including naturopaths, are doing surface level work with their patients. Focusing on running labs + tests, with little regard to habits + mindset.. the things that REALLY allow people to see long-term results.

But whatever you do, embrace the fact that CHANGE is part of the process if you really want to see the change you're looking to see. As painful + difficult as it may be.

Hang in there babe. It gets better. 

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