Stop overlooking this one thing if you have PMDD...

Jan 02, 2024

The #1 thing people often look over with PMDD, that’s actually a HUGE driver of PMDD


If you’re a girlie who battles PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disroder), listen up.

PMDD is classified as a psychiatric condition because it can cause debilitating anxiety + depression, severe bouts of irritability + rage, suicidal ideation, etc...

Most say it’s a result of hormonal imbalances or an abnormal response to our body’s natural fluctuations in hormones, but there’s more to the story.

As someone who battled PMDD for YEARSSSS + took antidepressant after antidepressant, it wasn’t just a neurotransmitter issue. 

I also tried all the hormone supps too to get my hormones in check, but that still wasn’t enough.

But when I started addressing what was driving my histamine issues, my bloating + food sensitivities went away, my period pain diminished, my endo flares decreased + my PMDD disappeared.

Before this, I used to battle either debilitating anxiety or depression from ovulation to my cycle every single month.

And the last few cycles my periods have creeped up on me. Just a FEW days where I’m a little more sensitive leading up to my cycle + that’s it.

So let’s chat about what histamine is & WHY you should care about it. Histamine is an important part of our immune system.

It plays a role in allergic responses (like rashes + runny noses) regulating stomach acid, ovulation, stimulates the brain, + more! It can also be found in foods!

But like with most things, too much of anything can be a problem.

And high histamine levels or the inability to break it down can contribute to symptoms like migraines, POTS, chronic allergies, endo flares, period pain, pelvic pain, urinary issues, bloating, food sensitivities... and PMDD.

So many things impact our histamine levels :
-gut health
-histamine containing foods
-hormonal imbalances like estrogen dominance/ low progesterone

and deficiencies in the DAO enzyme needed to break down histamine (which often stems from poor gut health).

So if you have PMDD + you’re wondering why your birth control + your antidepressants aren’t cutting it... then it may be time to take a more root cause approach + address your HISTAMINE LEVELS.

And maybe you don’t have PMDD, but you have some of those symptoms I mentioned above? I’M TALKING TO YOU TOO!! Need help figuring out where to start?

Give me a follow on IG at radiate_withrita for more info + shoot me an email with any questions!

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