Your hormones will fluctuate.. but that doesn't mean we can't check them!

Jan 18, 2024

One of the biggest disservices done to women is the LACK of education around the importance of a TRUE + HEALTHY menstrual cycle..

(And I’m not talking about the “period week” on the pill, i mean a REAL one- pill bleeds aren’t real periods)

Think of the menstrual cycle as your monthly report card letting you know how healthy you are...

If you have REALLY heavy/painful cycles or your PMS wrecks you every month... then take this as a sign from your body that you have some work to do 😬

As women we are blessed with estrogen + progesterone + these hormones can truly be our super power when in balance.

But when they’re not, CUE pesky symptoms like period pain + PMS symptoms like breast pain, major mood swings, chronic endo flares, etc…

And then you go to the doc + get told your hormone levels can't be checked because they "fluctuate too much"... and then you get thrown on the pill to “fix your hormones” + “regulate your cycles”...

Sound familiar? Alllll of that is false by the way lol.

The pill works by shutting off ovulation.. Which is where ALL of our progesterone + a LOT of our estrogen is made. It doesn’t regulate or fix anything.

And our hormones DO fluctuate... but that's NORMAL + WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO !! Refusing to check a woman's hormones because they change throughout the month is just LAZY IMO.

But also, why are OBGYNs not educated more on the menstrual cycle + our hormones?!

If we understand WHEN to test them based on when these levels peak, we can get an accurate read on them. Check out my FREE Healthy Hormones Essentials Guide that breaks down tips to balance your hormones with a complete list of labs to get your hormones checked!

Our sex hormones are needed for much more than healthy cycles. Here are some other health benefits of adequate progesterone levels:

✨ more restful sleep
✨ less anxiety (that’s why a LOT of women who take the pill struggle with anxiety)
✨ reduced risk of breast cancer
✨ supports bone growth
✨ assists with proper function of the thyroid

And to think there are docs who say that checking hormones isn't necessary...😏

If you’re only taking the pill because you were told this is the ONLY way you can have relief of period pain, PMS or PMDD, PCOS symptoms, + endo pain..


I’ve helped many women (including myself) with + without endo or PCOS successfully go from:

✨ cycles that come every 3 months 👉🏼 28 day cycles that come on time
✨ chronic endo flares 👉🏼 very occasional endo flares
✨ debilitating cycles that leave you bedridden 👉🏼 an easy-peasy cycle with mild cramps

WITHOUT having to rely on the pill + I show YOU all the key things to help you get here inside Wholistic Harmony, my course that was designed to make holistic health simple + restore internal balance. 

And we dive even deeeeper in my 1:1 services that allow us to utilize functional testing to fully incorporate a personalized approach!

Apply for 1:1 coaching.

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